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KH Rap2Lead
Mama G rhymes
 RAp In Positivity(RIP)
Group coaching Program
Join Our MGR Crew!
About This Program

The MGR Rap In Positivity (RIP) group coaching program is an opportunity to  access the support often needed to begin to transform what may be years of conditioning in your  music. If you're a serious artist who desires to break free of the need to conform, so that you  are able to express your gift in your own unique way, like no one else can, then this is for you!  


Within this  program,  simplicity meets genius. We at MGR encourage you as an artist to become your true unique self by exploring your individual creative superpower(s). This program offers continuous support along your journey to executing your desires and sharing their dreams with the world.

Level Up Your Creative Expression
Execute your Ability to Impact.
Activate your Authenticity.
Dictate your emcee life(on your terms).
What To Expect From This Program

*A Satisfying and Fulfilling Way to Create in a Way
that Makes the World a Better Place.

*A Heart-centered Approach to Creating which Leaves the Ego in the Back Seat

*The Ability to Experience the Joy of Creating in its Purest Form

* Weekly 1 hour Zoom call with Mama G and other participants  

* An opportunity to share your new RIP Current Flow within a private FB community.

Program Investment

When you have spent your whole life rhyming according to a dictated construct that you may or may not have been aware of  and are ready  to step into your true power as a creative, it can be daunting at first. The challenge is breaking free of the conformity that perhaps got you a lot of attention, perhaps some street cred, fans, followers, a steady stream of gigs and even a good deal of cash in the process. Letting go of all of that and trusting your new path can be confusing and you may feel lost and alone. It is for this very reason that the RIP community was created. Because we've been on that same journey, we have the wisdom, the knowledge and the tools to lead you from the cut-throat lonely game of "thug" rap into the community-centered, collaborative and supportive heart-centered power of co-creation that is guaranteed to enhance the power and the beauty of your music. You will begin to magnetize opportunities that fulfill you. We're here to help you make your music your true bliss and not just somebody else's bottom-line at your expense. 


Schedule your RIP Interview today using the button below, and let's see if  you're ready to  take that leap where your music has the ability to TRANSFORM.

Your Life-changing Investment: Just $199/month

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